Aleuritic Acid

Aleuritic acid has got great importance. It is considered to be one of the most important derivatives of Lac. One can obtain this acid through Shellac by the process of saponification. At Hindusuter Shellac Pvt. Ltd., we manufacture a special grade of Aleuritic acid from Shellac. Usually this product is pretty odorless and is physically detectable as a fine white powder.


Aleuritic acid

Packing: Polythene lined paper bags are usually used for the purpose of packing Aleuritic acid. These bags are generally made in a manner that they can hold 25 kgs nett.
Storage: Basically this material is required to be protected from dirt. Hence, the best way to store it (the way we store it at Hindusuter Pvt Ltd) is to keep it in clean room which does not have any option of dirt or dust.
Application: HSSPL Aleuritic acid is primarily used in Perfumery and Fragrance industries. In addition to this it is widely used in flavors industries as well for the synthetic preparation of civetone, dehydro civetone and related lactones.
One should also note that this product is used in certain specific pharmaceutical preparations as well.